Vintage Trade Company

About us

In 2017 the vintage car enthusiasts Andreas Rathmayr and Wolfgang Maier founded the „Vintage Trade Company“-  to trade vehicles and parts, especially for the Bugatti Type 57.

The purchase and reconstruction of parts for high-quality vehicles can often be a daunting task or virtually impossible in a short amount of time. Therefore we decided to run up a small stock of valuable parts. But that is only part oft he solution, since sometimes needed parts are simply not available anymore.


Parts offered as „remakes“ either entail very long waiting times, or deviate too much from the original. That’s why we have decided to organize the reproduction of parts on our own and– after some initial difficulties – managed to reach a highly professional standard.

The difficulties explained above led to the decision to turn our hobby into a professional business.

Bugatti T57 parts & spares

Bugatti T 35 / 37 / 51 parts & spares

Parts Trading

We offer parts from our old stock or reprocuction of spare parts for different types of cars – mainly post-war vehicles or classic cars, sepcially for the Bugatti T 57.

Production of custom made items:

Due to our cooperation with specialized partners we can offer custom made items manufactured according to the original drawing and specification in top quality and precision (even in very small numbers of units)


We offer restored or unrestored vehicles of various types and eras. (At the moment no offers)

Andreas Rathmayr und Wolfgang Maier GbR
Eduard-Poschinger-Weg 2
94036 Passau


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Copyright © Andreas Rathmayr and Wolfgang Maier GbR
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